The Effective MedSLP:

Productivity Updates & Streamlining Success

A FREE workshop to help medical SLPs accomplish more while doing less


✓ Save time on the clock 

✓ Reclaim time off the clock

✓ Have a say in your work demands 


Do you struggle with…

  • Keeping up with productivity demands
  • Writing notes off the clock
  • Staying late at work
  • Managing large caseloads
  • Finding time to provide high quality care

Register for our FREE four-day workshop to access new information, innovative tools, useful templates, and strategies you can apply at work the very next day!

How to Become an “Effective” MedSLP

Productivity vs Efficiency

Tips & Tools to Work Smarter, Not Harder

How to Grab a Seat at the Productivity Table


If you would like to earn 0.4 ASHA CEUs /4 Professional Development Hours (PDHs), you can get the VIP Pass by joining the MedSLP Collective!


Speaker & Topic Lineup

Day 1 Recording

How to Become an “Effective” MedSLP

Theresa Richard, MA, CCC-SLP, BCS-S 

You’ve heard “qualified” SLP, you’ve heard “seasoned” SLP, but what does it mean to be an “effective” SLP? Particularly in the medical space. Let’s dig into the nuances and map out a plan together!

Can You Bill for That?

Lysa Johnson, MS, CCC-SLP

What exactly is considered billable time? Are there any CPT codes that include documentation time? Is it okay to round up? Learn the ins and outs of billable time so you can capture more of your work the right and ethical way!

Day 2 Recording

Understanding & Calculating Productivity vs Efficiency

Kristin Dolan, SLPD, CCC-SLP

Learn the differences between productivity and efficiency, discover 10 tips to improve your efficiency, and map out your workdays with the help of a free productivity calculator.

Day 3 Recording

Tips & Tools to Work Smarter, Not Harder

Kelly Caldwell, MA, MS, CCC-SLP

Get real-world examples and applicable tools to help you work smarter, not harder. Dive into different working styles and learn how to cut your assessment documentation time in half with Kelly’s templates and calculators you can apply to your documentation!

Day 4 Recording

How to Grab a Seat at the Productivity Table


Time to learn about the PARTNER Method and apply it at work. This method is designed to help you open discussions with your leader and become a part of the productivity puzzle. What’s that saying? If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em? Well, here’s how you join ‘em!

PLUS: This workshop comes with a free Productivity Playbook!

Get instant access to the tools being
discussed and watch live demonstrations of the tools being used.

Then use these tools at work the next day!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it really free?

Yes, the Effective MedSLP Workshop is free to watch! Our goal is to give back to the amazing SLP community!

Participants have the option to pay a small fee that will earn them ASHA CEUs or Professional Development Hour (PDH) certificates *and* access to the MedSLP Collective.

Note: There is a $34 subscription fee (you can cancel at the end of any subscription month) to get continuing education credit for the presentation.

How do I get a certificate?

If you choose to join the Medical SLP Collective or get VIP access, you will be able to print a certificate for the summit after you watch all the presentations and complete a brief quiz.

How many hours can I earn?

Four hours are being offered, equaling 0.4 ASHA Continuing Education Units (ASHA CEUs) or 4 Professional Development Hours (PHDs) if you do not use the ASHA Registry through the MedSLP Collective.

Can this course count toward my state licensure renewal?

Every state has different requirements for what they will accept. Check with your specific state’s licensing agency to see if these courses meet their guidelines. You will be able to download a certificate and view the course summary, learning objectives, and speaker disclosures for each course online if you are a member of the MedSLP Collective.

Can I attend if I'm a student or CF?

Yes! We’d love to have you! You may not need continuing education hours, but it’ll be a great learning opportunity!

What If I Have Questions Or Need Support?

You are welcome to email us at and we will be happy to assist you!